Where Catchers Are Built

Colorado Catchers News
Starting in March Conner will be providing lessons only at Purge Baseball in Broomfield. Lesson availability will be Mon/Wed/Fri starting at 6:30pm and Sundays. Rex will continue offering lessons at Hype Athletix on Mondays. View schedule availability and book lessons online
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Is Your Catcher Getting Proper
Instruction in Playing the
One of the toughest positions to play on the baseball diamond requires appropriate instruction. Too often youth catchers get ignored because few coaches truly understand how to play or coach the position. The complexity of the position requires additional time and attention in the basic fundamentals.
Let Colorado Catchers provide your catcher the focus and attention they deserve in learning the fundamentals of catching and advancing his or her skills.
We provide half-day clinics, weekend camps and private instruction (individual or small groups)
Contact us for more information or to check availability for private instruction.