Where Catchers Are Built
High School Catchers Camp
(Rapid City, SD)
Colorado Catchers Complete Catchers Camp is the premiere camp just for catchers.
A camp for high school aged (14+) catchers who wish to advance their skills to be better prepared for their high school and/or legion season.
*This camp is limited to 15 catchers.
We will cover the following aspects of catchi​ng:
Receiving (pocket awareness, glove path, pitch presentation & more)
Blocking (blocking position, lateral blocking and recovery)
Throwing (footwork, exchange and proper mechanics)
Special Plays (fielding bunts, pop-ups and passed balls as well as plays at the plate)

Here is feedback from previous camps:
"I thought it was great to see all these drills with focus on the catching position"
"The camp is the best one I put my boy through"
"In depth instruction. Wish it were longer."
"Everything was great. Great mixture in the coaches and their approaches."

Dates & Times:
Oct 14th, 1-5pm
Oct 15th, 9am-1pm
Post 320 Baseball, Rapid City, SD